
“Googling” copywriter for food? I know, not a proper way of starting an article but hey, “keywords.” Well, you hit the right place. Get ready for some tantalizing, tongue-numbing, brain freezing pitch from a food copywriter.

Copywriter for food that eats more than writes copy

As you have guessed, I am a copywriter and I love food. You may call me a foodie writer but I don’t want to be clustered in with content writers. I don’t just write contents, I write contents that sell.

There are lots of nuances about what copywriter means these days. For generations, it has been defined as selling in print. Pure and simple.

As the internet evolves to this whole new cash machine, everyone and everything wants a piece.

Businesses, companies, individuals flocking to the internet like the gold rush. These entities want to get their names in front of consumers for obvious reasons, profit.

To get awareness for brands, they need content for customers to consume. Blogs for websites, posts for social media, any written content.

This is where writers come in. There are two types of writers in this digital age. Content writers and copywriters. Some people believe content writing means copywriting. This is my take.

Content Writers

This is my definition of content writers. A person who writes informational pieces, such as blogs, e-books, whitepapers, newsletters, brochures, flyers, social media.

Content writers can’t be copywriters without knowing the art of selling. Copywriters, on the other hand, can be both.

You see this article that you are reading is a piece of information about content writers which I will go in-depth on another blog.

However, once I introduce a sales letter in this article, then this turns to a sales copy. Not just an article about content writing.

An article without implementing the art of selling, I do not and will not call it copywriting.

There are two types of copywriters, Advertorial or Direct Response. Which I won’t be talking about today. It will make for a great article. Stay tuned for that.

Here is my letter for you to assess if I have the chops to be your copywriter or a part of your advertising crazies.

Restauranteur, foodies! Do you want a zero-risk mouthwatering copy

This foodie direct response copywriter is abolishing the fear and doubts you may have from outsourcing copies.

Dear Friend,

Just look at this geek having the time of his life from one of Sydney’s popular food venues.

Would you like your business to experience exponential growth in a month? If so, then this will be the most important letter you’ll ever read.

Let me explain…

Over the past year, I have been growing businesses I never knew existed.

I literally don’t know anything about their industry, yet they profited.

I opened eCommerce stores in competitive “niches” I had no idea about, yet I had sales while the competition was busy cutting their prices.

All this is made possible by knowing the language of copywriting.

The A-lister copywriters know this language or their subconscious is aware. That is why they are that good.

It just comes naturally to them. The great copywriter Gary Halbert who made millions through his brilliant copies never spoke about this language.

Neither did David Ogilvy. Never mentioned this tactic but he was doing it. The greats just write without systematically thinking about it.

I Would Like To Use This Effective Language To Grow Your Business

You may have hired copywriters before and you didn’t get the result you wanted. So now you are scared to hire another.

Scared of wasting money and especially time. Time is very important for you as a business owner, an entrepreneur.

I understand…

You can always earn millions of money but you can’t earn time. Something we humans can never have enough of.

I started my online stores 3 years ago and have failed. Why did I fail miserably? Lack of business acumen, shiny object syndrome, can’t keep the money.

Do you know what stopped me falling from the edge of bankruptcy? Copywriting.

The skill to persuade a reader to buy. This alone has saved me but…

I am a big spender. The profits I made went straight to stupid shits instead of putting back into the business. Did I say I can’t keep money?

I wrote hundreds of product descriptions and dozens of sales letters. I didn’t know it at the time but by doing so it honed my copywriting prowess.

I decided to focus on one thing that has helped me survive the cruel world of business. In return, keeps me away from shiny objects (here’s to hope).

My aim now is to help other businesses profit and grow

I know you have hired copywriters before, heck probably dozens, however…

Have you tried a foodie copywriter? Not only a foodie but a geek.

One day I was on my computer looking for inspiration for dinner. Out of the blue, my girlfriend walks in and shouts, YOU ARE A GEEK!

“Why?” I asked her nervously (she is scary when angry).

“You are always on your computer everyday Googling stuff.”

I did not even try to argue with her because it was true. That was a fact.

Indeed I am always on the computer, every day. You see I love to research about my hobbies and passions.

Hobbies like photography, travel, health, and food.

I have been in the trenches, burnt hands, cut nails, lost skin – all for the love of cooking.

My girlfriend always compliments my cooking yet she doesn’t realize how I got good.

By staring at the computer screen researching daily about my passions allowed me to gain knowledge and improve.

My cooking wouldn’t be where it is today without my persistent hunger to “Google” (research) to get better.

What’s all this got to do with you?

I know my food, I know what pairs well, I know the language foodies speak. I know the language of selling.

Combine all these and you get a copy so delicious your customers will be licking it clean.

Copy that will resonate well with your readers.

A mouthwatering copy that will have them taking out their wallets to buy more.

Look, I am a home cook. I have been so for many years, almost a decade. The compliment I get from my cooking fuels my desire to excel.

I’ve been told I am the greatest cook in the world. I love my 9 y.o. Nephew.

Don’t you want a copywriter that speaks to the heart of your audience?

A copywriter that shares your passion for food?

Not only a foodie but also a geek.

Don’t you want that ideal copywriter you could work with for a long time? I know how hard it is to find good people to work with.

Since I am after a long term client, not just a one time deal…

If you are not happy with my work, I will give you back every penny, no questions asked.

How can I offer this without shaking in my computer chair? 

For one, if you are not happy, I’m not happy. Also, you will want your money back and I’ll be poorer. 

Two is my proven track record. 

Three, I love my fellow foodies and cooks.

So when you are ready to take our relationship to a new level, click the button below.

A copywriter can do a lot for your business. Especially when it comes to getting traffic, growing your brand and sales.

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